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To: bethybabes69

Most swine flu cases have a very high fever . Alot of swine flu cases have diarrhea and vomiting . Was your friend tested by a GP or was she told over the telephone that she had it ?
I read in England cases are being confirmed over the telephone . You & your friend’s symptoms seem very similar to allergies
or the common cold .

411 posted on 07/22/2009 6:17:17 AM PDT by DvdMom
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To: DvdMom; All
My friend has had tests at her GP, and has been confirmed.

Her GP told her that her symptoms are common, and She's at the end of the cycle now. Her friend who was also confirmed, has now recovered but had a moderate fever, and she was also treated with tamiflu.

I'm on my pda right now, but when I get back home I'm gonna post what she said to me on facebook this morning after taking tamiflu, the side effects were worse than the flu.

My Sister [who was on holiday all weekend with us] also felt unwell yesterday, but had an obvious ear infection, but her GP instantly psssed her to the NHS helpline, bizzarely.

This afternoon my stomsch is quite bad, I've been on the toilet non stop, and i have a headache and some dizziness still, but nothing serious that would stop my everyday chores [mum's work is never done].

Sat talking to another friend having a coffee right now, and a schoolfriend of her Daughter has been confirmed, and has had last week off school with mild'ish symptoms, but is now recovered.

The NHS are handing out tamiflu via their website following a questionnaire apparently, based on your NI Number.

Everyone here now seems to know someone who's got it, but I still don't know sny stories of anything other than mild symptoms.

414 posted on 07/22/2009 8:11:04 AM PDT by bethybabes69 (Between you, and whatever you call God, there is no authority, only an illusion of it.)
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