This is really a tempest in a teapot. Don't governors have a right to take a vacation? Obvioiusly, if you read the story, at least one of his aides knew where he was and was in contact with him, which is why he cut his trip short.
Here in VA the GOP has filed a FOIA request to learn the whereabouts and travels of Tim Kaine, our governor who also happens to be the DNC Chairman. Adrian Fenty, the Mayor of DC, goes on his personal travels, which are not disclosed to the public.
Sanford has made some political enemies outside and within his party. I heard him speak at CPAC. He is a viable Presidential candidate in 2012. The Dems would like to destroy him in much the same way that they have attacked Palin. The MSM is part of that effort. If I were Sanford, I would just tell them to f**k off and ignore it.
You may not want to acknowledge this, but if one is a sitting Governor, they cannot just drop completely off of the map! Especially if they have Presidentail aspirations.
The very least he should have done is to let the Lt Gov know where he was going.
I know I cannot do this in my job, and there is no reason to think the people of his state should think otherwise.
“Don’t governors have a right to take a vacation? Obvioiusly, if you read the story, at least one of his aides knew where he was and was in contact with him, which is why he cut his trip short.”
I’ve read several stories, and they don’t necessarily confirm that one of his aides knew anything. Most of what I read claim he was “incommunicado for several days.” That doesn’t sound like anyone at all knew. And why would an aide know, but not his family? The whole thing is weird.
I agree with you that a governor certainly has a right to take vacation, but being governor is also a 24/7 job so you either relinquish control to the Lt Gov or you stay in contact.
For someone with WH aspirations, the entire episode is quite suspicious...I don’t need the MSM to tell me that.