Posted on 06/23/2009 5:36:23 PM PDT by Kaslin
Homeland Security: Recognizing that money is the mother's milk of terrorism, the U.S. cracked down on charitable fronts after 9/11. The new administration thinks it went too far.
On the heels of President Obama's Cairo speech, in which he suggested relaxing Treasury anti-terror "rules," the ACLU published a well-timed report slamming those very rules.
It makes a point of noting throughout the thick report that Treasury policies "developed under the Bush administration" are undercutting Obama's mission to reach out to Muslim countries. What's more, they're denying American Muslims the "right" to make donations to Islamic charities.
"U.S. terrorism financing laws and policies developed under the Bush administration are inhibiting American Muslims' ability to freely and fully practice their religion," the ACLU says, noting that "zakat," or Muslim charitable giving, is a pillar of Islam.
The New York Times gave the report currency with a sympathetic story: "ACLU Report Says Anti-Terror Fight Undercuts Liberty of Muslim Donors." It highlighted Obama's pledge in Cairo to work "with American Muslims to ensure that they can fulfill zakat."
"In the United States," the president explained, "rules on charitable giving have made it harder for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligations."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Impeach that arrogant MUZZIE sympathizing, make that MUZZIE p.o.s
I wish to make it easier for every American Muslim to fulfill their religious obligations: LEAVE THE US. Use my tax money to pay for the ticket, just shut up and GO.
Free health care to illegals and now this.
Since their religious obligations include the total elimination of anyone they deem “unholy” (like Christians and Jews, for example), making it harder for their terrorist organizations to obtain funds would appear to be a no-brainer. Guess not.
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