But commuting in DC is an awful experience and those that do the daily on Metro (me), should be allowed some leeway regarding the dangers we face. I am serious. I've been doing the Metro thing for years and am amazed that we do not have more incidents/accidents. The quality of the drivers and the equipment is stunningly low and the potential for tragedy is high. I think in the Examiner this morning was an article saying Metro was submitting a $1.4B, yes, BILLION dollar budget. . .just to run the trains inside DC. This is a case of not getting what you pay for.
One Friday you ought to hop off at Takoma Station and join other DC Chapter members and friends at Walter Reed.
I hope the DC Chapter members who ride that Metro check in safe. Also, Red Line is the oldest part of the Metro subway system, IIRC.
Fox News running live coverage at this minute. Prayers coming from Dixie...
The Metro is dangerous as hell. Their equipment is falling apart and track maintenance is terrible. Their employees are largely incompetent affirmative action hires who don’t give a flip about customer service, and they run their trains WAY too fast around corners. The whole system is an accident waiting to happen. Horrible, horrible tragedy that could have been avoided.