Take the Pepsi Challenge?
Well, I'm conflicted because I'm a strict Co-Cola person and I dislike Pepsi for the taste and despise them for being the (alleged) cause of New Coke in '85! While I can drink Royal Crown (which I've always thought tastes like plywood smells) and now even Doctor Pepper (which I couldn't stand as a kid), I still can't stomach Pepsi. Once at a dinner break (that's lunch break to y'all) while on the road working when the local establishment had only Pepsi and no Coke I just plain old did without!
I do know that there's a web site where you can send pizza and Pepsi to Israeli troops. I've often wondered if thta means my support of Coke makes me an anti-Semite.
Dang! Despite all my best intentions I just can't seem to get rid of my alienation from the Jewish People! First the Biblical literalism (Adam would've been horrified at the thought that I believe he was a real person!), and now . . . this!
::Sigh!:: Jews and Rednecks just can't seem to get together! I guess when we exterminate our "Canaanites," we slice the neck the wrong way!
Maybe Double Cola should expand its market (we can't get it where I live!).