Why do creation rationalizers rely on the tactics of the left? You are referencing two unrelated topics, one of which is bogus (GW), and claiming that the other is as well solely on the basis of your false equivalence.
You’re a closet leftie, aren’t you?
Youre a closet leftie, arent you?
Awwwww Bucky, we've been over this before.
The Hissy-fit was talking directly about evolution confucius.
It's not liberal to expose liberalism. The tactics of the left, shutting down debate are very much your rationalizations and tactics. And unless you can prove to us that somehow algore is a creationist, then he's all yours. His debate tactics are very much evo-like, probably where he got his playbook for his own cult!
Your position is what it is. Your allies in this are who they are.
And your projecting about it won't change anything sunshine.