BB needs an attitude adjustment. The general was perfectly within his rights to refer to her as "ma'am" and if it was me I would have told her to shut up and carry on with your question.
Boxer, you are my beeeeeooootttttcccchhhhhh
I grew up as a military brat, and spent time in myself.
We were taught to refer to ALL people either older than us or in a position of any authority as “Sir”, “Ma’am”. End of story. Not “Mrs. Wilson”, “Mr. Wilson”, “Claire” or “Ed”. We were allowed to address military personnel by their rank and name as “LT Jones”, etc.
I remember many times when my father would be chewing us out, and when asked if we understood, answering with a simple “yes” was sure to elicit a growling “Yes WHAT?”.
We were allowed to call them “Mom” and “Dad”...:)
When I was in the Navy, I remember being taught to refer to all civilians regardless of rank, station or status as “Sir” or “Ma’am”.
I have continued it to this day, and while some Northeastern women don’t like being called “Ma’am” because it makes them feel ‘old’, I do it anyway. I do it as a sign of default respect for people I don’t know.