To: domenad
See I disagree thats a reasonable request I would think. Sir and Maam are generic terms, we refer to Senators, Congressman, and Presidents by title. It's not generic in the military, it's a proper alternative to rank when addressing superior officers. While not "proper" in the sense that Barbara isn't his superior, it was clearly a mark of respect. Which she clearly demonstrated she doesn't deserve.
42 posted on
06/18/2009 7:55:20 AM PDT by
(G-d da*n America, Jeremiah Wright---Don't tell me words don't matter!, Barack Hussein Obama)
To: SJackson
In another thread on this topic someone noted:
When an officer speaks to another and uses sir or maam he/she is acknowledging that the person being spoken to is superior in rank to the officer speaking. The General was using what he understood to be the respectful and proper salutation. Boxer's response shows that she is ignorant of military protocol, egotistical, narcissistic, arrogant and graceless. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson