Dreams are an interesting topic and spirits have been known to be present in dreams. Angels have also revealed themselves in everyday presence. Dreams may also be used in spiritual testing. The dream might be deceptive or true. Discernment and fellowship with God is required in all things.
Dreams are discernible from visions. Visions are typically associated with when we are wide awake, but then perceiving a 'vision' of a spiritual condition.
Some dreams do involve our memory (most to many recallable dream instances, by identity, use our memory and might be recalled in a waking moment.
John 14:2
“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”
I am of the Spirit presently engaged in a human existence.
Parallel universes are open to all; not just Christians.
Dreams are different from what I call ‘Visitations’
The readings of Edgar Cayce ( a devout Christian) provide the most fascinating glimpses of our other dimensions.
I believe there are Great Universities and Minds in these parallel worlds that implant ideas into ours. It is more likely that UFO’s come from brief breakthroughs in parallel universes than from remote planets.
I have had a loving ‘Visitation’ that cured me of an affliction I had for 15 years. I am certain of it.