Canada population: 33 Million
UK population: 61 Million
US population; 304 Million.
Do some math, kabar.
In Iraq, US military losses have been 4,312 dead [hostile and non-hostile] and 31,156 wounded. Add to that the 704 US deaths in Afghanistan. And toss in 3,000 civilian casualties on 9/11. Do the math, i.e., multiply Canada's losses in Afghanstan by 10 and see who has suffered more losses in the WOT.
And double the Canadian numbers and compare it to the UK losses in Iraq [179] and Afghanistan [168]. The UK has done more per capita. And to carry this folishness even further, Estonia [pop. 1.3 million] has lost a total of 5 people in Iraq and Afghanistan, which using your math means that they have lost more per capita than Canada.