To: Dayton3
He is right. Hispanics and Blacks will never go for the Republicans.
The Republican base is the white, middle-class male. If the GOP could increase the number of white, middle-class women in their ranks, they would win a lot more elections.
That is the policy they should be following - direct their efforts at white women and they will again be in the majority and be able to reform America back to its original principles.
15 posted on
06/11/2009 10:59:11 AM PDT by
(To be stupid, and selfish, and to have good health are the three requirements for happiness.)
To: FFranco
"He is right. Hispanics and Blacks will never go for the Republicans." Protestant Hispanics do, Bush got 56% of their vote in 2004 and McCain/Palin got 48% of their vote in 2008, they are definitely open to the republican party.
22 posted on
06/11/2009 11:11:24 AM PDT by
(Romney (guns)"instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people")
To: FFranco
What are white issues, as contrasted with positions predicated on benefiting America, thus all Americans?
I presume you'd advocate a change from the GOP's pro-life position, since you won't get 70% of white women without it.
27 posted on
06/11/2009 11:18:26 AM PDT by
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