Listen, you don’t know what you are talking about....there is no LG phone out there that comes CLOSE to what the IPHONE offers. Maybe it doesn’t offer more of the things YOU need, but to say it doesn’t have more great stuff is aburd. The next Iphone, which will go to new customers for $199 has the voice direction feature you so crave. Now, come on.
Basically I need a portable device that takes good quality photos and videos in which I can connect to the web. I plan to start a new blog (in addition to the DUmmie FUnnies) in which I feature the pictures and people of South Florida.
Excuse me but I have noted two features that my phone has long had, of which the Iphone is adding one and not the other.
Why do I have to get all sweaty about an Iphone that can’t do what my phone does, and other phones don’t force me to use AT&T? Iphone doesn’t even have a flash for photography and they just upgraded to a 3 megapixel camera. There simply are other products with superior specs.
I unsderstand Apple is a religion, I own the stock but please there is plenty of stuff out there that does the same, and some do it better.
You were saying to someone else — “Listen, you dont know what you are talking about...”
Ummmm..., it’s just the “nattering nabobs of negativity”... LOL...
[ a phrase from Spiro Agnew...]