McCain cleaned ObaMao's clock in southwest Pennsylvania and Palin was the reason. This is NOT a girly man area of the country. Even a lot of the Democrats here are gunowners and hunters. They are also blue collar, union and Catholic, exactly the type of constituencies Republicans need to win to carry states like Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Take a good look at this website. Click on the bar marked "SWING". See how few blue counties there are in any state, much less the swing states. In the venacular of this website, a swing county is actually where the Republican ticket did better in 2008 than in 2004, thus so few of them. Study where Sarah Palin campaigned-- mainly in the blue counties of the swing states. Then come back and tell me she was a drag on the ticket.
She was the only thing which kept McCain (the real drag on the ticket) from being blown out!
Important distinction and sorry for any confusion.
Thank you for this map. You can see the oak-tree seed’s influence over the dogs, the dead, the duplicates, and the demented in the big cities, and the landslide victory for the Palin/McLame ticket.
We wuz robbed.
And zer0’s administration is letting the oak-tree seed completely off the hook as the cases reach the Justice Dept.
Yeah, McCain would have lost as bad as Mondale lost to Reagan if Palin hadn't been on his side.