That may be true, but if so, it also means the government won’t be trusted to keep any of their other obligations either, which means people who work for the government can’t count on their paychecks, people who expect to be paid for work for the government won’t count on it, and in the end, the government will collapse.
In which case, I won’t be any worse off than the rest of the world. And at least I won’t be stuck with a room full of worthless gold bars that I can’t eat and that nobody has any money to pay me for.
I can not guarantee the value of gold or silver coins in your scenario but I can assure you that they will hold more value than that bushel basket of paper currency. I am not sure that the government would collapse if their was a realization that our debts were just too extensive and there was a need for partial default. It has been done before and with a resolve to restrain the future issuance of huge debts (should it be believed) the nation could get a fresh start and recover.