Funny, when concerend parents don't want creation or ID, that's OK, but let some concerned parents speak up in favor of ID/creation, (or in this case even simple facts), which btw, is more often the case, well suddenly that somehow doesn't matter.
So parents who want creationism taught in public schools are "concerned parents," but the parents who don't are "godless liberals." Got it.
At best they’re in the vast minortiy, at worst, they’re exactly like Michael Newdow, who hijacked his own daughter because of his own God insecurities, incidentally of which she herself didn’t suffer from btw.
Either way, they’re hypocrites, pretending as though their view is somehow more important than the majority or is somehow the neutral position.
It’s not.
If they demand God not be in science to such extremes, there’s always Cuba.
Or opting out.
Until then, yeah, they’re godless liberals who demand their view be taught exclusively over all other views.
That’s just how it with it.
On the other hand, creationists aren’t so extreme, and are far more willing to hear both taught, for the most part.