No doubt the Roe decision is infamously immoral. But I think the people of South Dakota, for one example, would disagree with the "forever denied" part of your assertion.
Legislation recognizing that life begins at conception is the route to aborting Roe as the court itself pointed out in '73.
The best hope of any state is that the impact of Roe v. Wade might be mitigated by practical developments such as an increased unwillingness of ANY health care provider to carry on the grisly and sordid business of baby butchery within the borders of that state.
In that sense the murder of George Tiller will likely have a more direct and powerful adverse impact on the provision of late term abortions than any chiseling around the edges of Roe v. Wade by a state legislature.
That is not an endorsement of murder. Tiller's murderer will and should face the due penalty for his crime.
Such legislation already exist. How else could a man be forced to pay child support? If he is deemed the "father" at conception, then he HAS to be deemed the "father" CONTINUOUSLY through to the birth. You cannot be a father, then not be a father, then be a father again to your child. A "thing", or a lamp shade, etc cannot possess a "father". Only a child can. This means that child support laws already recognize conception as the beginning of life.