Two hundred years from now, when history students review this era, I fear deeply that they will be seeing a repeat of Rome circa 476 AD when Odoacer, a mercenary in the service of Rome and leader of the Germanic soldiers in the Roman army, deposes the western Roman emperor and thereby terminates the western Roman empire. It was a good run for Rome, almost 1,000 years since it began as a Republic in 474 when Cuma was established. But weak, and worse, then corrupt emperors followed; Roman citizens quit sending their sons into the greatest military the ancient world knew, systematic debauchery and deviant morals became the norm.
We're following the same path. We had great role models: Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Reagan; and we had weak ones in Grant, Tyler, Arthur, Hayes, Hoover, and the two Bushes; poorer ones in Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Harding and Nixon. And now we come to the worst of the lot: Clinton and Obama.
There are no Cincinattuses on the horizon, no Ciceroes to guide us, no strong emperors...there is only downfall.
Did you mean to post that to ME?