"Yes, Dad."
"Well, this is similar. Your teachers were wrong then, and they're wrong now. People make mistakes, although they're supposed to try not to. The Bible tells us what's right, and your teachers are a little confused. We need to pray for your teachers and otherwise ignore what they say when they're wrong."
You are too kind. Their teachers are evil and have an agenda. I would tell them their teachers are wrong and they don’t have to respect or believe what they say on the matter. These fool educrats are going to shoot themselves in the foot. Unfortunately for them, the kids will probably get the idea into their heads that they don’t have to respect or believe anything their teachers say about anything (might be problematic when high-stakes testing rears its ugly head). Believing what their teachers say about homosexuality will cause “cognizant dissonance”if parents and their churches present homosexuality as something that is wrong and their teachers present it as something that is normal and wonderful.
But by then, parents will probably have decided on other educational options.
Sure! And Saul Alinsky was “confused” too.