(Corrected) Gun Control: In a case headed for the Supreme Court, a three-judge panel rules Chicago's gun ban constitutional since the 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to states and cities.It's not as simple as the article makes it to be - as above or in the article body.
Whatever was written in the decision, the bottom line, fall back position was 'starry decide us' /s. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals had previously ruled 'collective right' and there was no way it would overturn itself, so it punted, then they all went to dinner. /s
The 'funny thing' is that the Precedent the 7th used used (stary decisis) was a challenge to Morton Grove, IL's gun ban. Morton Grove was the first city to ban handguns, then Chicago and others followed suit. Now here's the funny part --
The day after Heller came down Morton Grove Repealed Its Gun Ban Law. They knew this would it wind up in SCOTUS and didn't want to waste its taxpayers money on a losing cause.So Chicago will fight on to SCOTUS. Spending money it already doesn't have, all to make the psycho Mayor Daley feel like he is still all powerful in his Kingdom, and has a big wiener. (If he could he'd be driving a Corvette or Ferrari to compensate)
as to Oak Park, screw em. They're a bunch of ex hippies who've raised a bunch of quiche eating, sandal wearing, Volvo driving, ultra-über lib moonbats. They deserve what they get.
“The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals had previously ruled ‘collective right’”
“Collective right,” pishaw. Is there a collective right to free speech? Like I have to get my entire town to sign off before I can post my blog?