The author may be unaware there was a Papal Inquisition that preceded the Spanish Inquisition by several hundred years.
It was established in the 1230s, about the time Cordoba was reconquered. It had absolutely nothing to do with the Jews, as it was aimed exclusively at Christian heretics such as the Cathars.
The writer of Obama’s speech probably thinks of all “medieval” events as happening roughly simultaneously. He therefore lumps the golden age of Cordoba, which ended well before 1100, in with the Papal Inquisition, starting in the 1230s and the Spanish Inquisition, starting in the 1470s.
“He therefore lumps the golden age of Cordoba, which ended well before 1100, in with the Papal Inquisition, starting in the 1230s...”
If 2nd class citizenship, special taxes, lack of equal legal protection under the law and slavery are a “golden age”, then the Pre-Civil War South was a “golden age” as well.
Thanks for the history lesson.
I hope the Teleprompter takes note.