Your little simile tag-line is saying that ID destroys evolution akin to how socialism destroys free markets, YES?
How many socialists would subscribe to creationism vs. darwinism?
And speaking of free markets, how does THAT fit with the left suing and stifling all dissent anytime their cult is examined a little too closely for them?
It seriously tickles me that these loons don't understand evolution is the liberal position, no matter how many times they smear creation/ID.
In the liberal world, down is up, up is down.
The tagline might as well scream....LOOK-AT-ME...I'M A LIBERAL! (And dunce and liberal are interchangeable.)
==Your little simile tag-line is saying that ID destroys evolution akin to how socialism destroys free markets, YES?
LOL...I just noticed that myself. Is it any wonder that the darwiniacs are going the way of the dodo?