Hi Quix.
In the USA?
i'm not fully conversant with the constituency of the USA, but what I do know, is that it's based on the rulings of Magna Carta 1215, which was spread throughout the commonwealth.
In England, a 'Human Being' can only be judged by 'Common Law', a 'Person' (which is a fictitious entity attached to a human being, ie, an identity - such as Mr John SMITH) can be offered 'statutes', which are essentially contracts which "have the power of law" when "accepted as such ny the governed".
So what you should expect is that Obama, as we can plainly see from his actions already, will introduce more and more statutes that will hinder freedom, gather more revenue, deepen and complicate the contractual agreement between the people and the 'Government (which are simply a business, of which the elected are the Board of Directors).
I recognised instantly, when I saw the theatre of the Obama election, that the Bilderbergs were ready to deepen serfdom in the USA. Historically, for whatever reason, they've been intent on upholding some modicum of freedom in the USA, but that's all changed now.
You should expect social conditioning, invasive laws, thought Police, social condemnation for critics of the system, and most importantly, erosion of your freedoms.
Here in England, there's a new wave of 'Free Men of England', who refute 'Fleet Law' and do not enter into contractual statutes governed by it.
Please watch
WWW.TPUC.ORG Speaker, John Harris's explanation about the history and evolution of British Law and Government.
I can only speak for myself Quix, and tell you what's happening here in England, but the hierarchy that's controlling England is doing the very same thing in the entire Western World.