==The I.D....and Creationists position on science is not to actually go out and PERFORM scientific discovery
Yo Dreamer...Here are some selected research projects that have been, or are being conducted by Creation/ID scientits. Unlike the Temple of Darwin, Creationists and IDers do not shake-down Joe Taxpayer to fund their research. You really ought to consider doing a little more fact checking before issuing public statements that can only serve to make you look both ignorant and foolish. Although, you do it so often, I can honestly say I’m getting used to it:
Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE)
The GENE Project
The FAST Project
White hole cosmology
Proceedings of the Microbe Forum
Baraminology Study Group
Biologic Institute (ID)
I read your link to the microbiology forum and found the articles to be nothing but group think and conjecture. In fact, many of the questions posed by the various authors could be answered by 3rd year biology students. One author was nearly right when discussing the Vibrio cholera bacterium until he wandered off into conjecture at the end of his article.
How many genomes have they sequenced? How many fossils have they discovered? Have they even come up with a definition of “kind” they can all agree upon?
That isn't Science. Baraminology is apologetics.
That you think that Baraminology is science speaks volumes as to your ignorance Gutless.
Wow...shocker...you rely on 4 nonscientific anonymous websites for all your science....BIG shocker. Why not just a link to the Bible passage in which God tells Noah to NOT collect a male and female of every species of dinosaur?????
That is, if you have the intellectual balls...