That's what happens when there is universal suffrage.
Our Founding Fathers restricted the vote to landholding **men** for a reason.
Our slide into socialism ( and now Marxism) began with allowing women to vote, elimination of literacy tests, and (earlier) the requirement to be a landowner.
Our country didn’t do so badly by allowing non land owners to vote. The other points you mention however may have true legitimate evidence to support them.
The Democrats have crafted their messages to tug at a woman’s heart strings while puffing up a woman’s angry pride at being dominated by “evil white men and Chrisitan patrimonialists”(stated with a harumphing angry female exclamation point(!!!!!) )! Such women have put our nation in Jeopardy because despite the evidence of what this administration is, they’ll cling blindly to “hope” as their nesting instincts have been engaged by the Dem’s! They’ll only begin to change their viewpoints when they have to deal with angry husbands and sweet hearts who are laying about the house having lost their jobs over this administration’s mistakes!
There should be some type of basic literacy tests, which is not a popular idea. Yet, a free society rests upon the education of the population.