I wish Rush would say a little more and go a little farther, but he does a great job of nibbling at the edges of our nation's problems.
I am disappointed and sometimes infuriated that he refused to discuss the Obama natural born issue.
It bugs me no end when he calls people like Bill Ayers “radical leftists”. He make these communist revolutionaries sound as non-threatening as Norwegians. ( My apologies to to Norwegians.)
I personally have never heard him identify Marxism as being our nation's most serious threat.
He does have great fun taking jabs at the government schools but I have never heard him suggest that parents should remove their kids or that the government K-12 schools should be shut down.
He generally ignores the homosexual bullies and their machinations. They have to do something **really** flagrant for him to mention it.
Do I enjoy Rush? Yeah, he is a funny nibbler.
I was going to disagree with you overall, but your list of issues stopped me - you're right, and those are very important items. That said, I would still disagree with the word "nibble" because of its strong trivializing effect. Rush, despite his flaws and significant omissions, is not trivial - his choice of topics is pretty regularly deep. I think, however, that he is subject to restraints few know about and even less acknowledge. As a result, he has to hit where he can, and keep his ammo dry for the rest.