Well, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so I believe it.
Of course, knowing how things work its probably going to be more like a dollar of prevention being worth ninety cents of cure...
Actually, it will become 5 pounds of prevention will entailk 1 pound of cure... In the long run, prevention will be more expensive than not...
Preventive care is a hoax to generate revenue to the Doctors...come on folks... 90% of those that get preventative care will need no care...so who benefits?
Oh well, what am I to say...the government will prevail in the long run anyway... geez...
Sorry, but I think that it is bogus! Think of a million extra persons coming in for checkups with maybe 1 out of 10 needing help... Where is the cost savings?
Well, I guess that those that don’t visit Doctors have a very hard time getting help... Actually, I think that most people don’t go to the Doctor unless they have problems. Theat means one in ten go to the Doctor.
Now if you take those ten and describe their symptoms, you will wind that maybe half that actually need help (subscriptions). So, now take that perception and extrapolate it out to the gestimate of the government and their ability to actually pay for medicine... You will eventually find that they can’t pay or will NOT pay for subscription or what they may consider unnecessary medicine.
This is government provided health care at it’s best. Unfortunately, it will become a problem only when it reflects a cost higher than their suggested minimum.
Of course all of this care is only available as long at the “non health care” recipients are available and paying taxes.
Good luck with that...