There is also the hypothesis of an alternate universe which ‘passed through informaiton through black holes’ beleive it or not- I think it is Steve Hawkins who is gunning for that hypothesis- Time apparently stops at the rim of black holes, and somehow, according to him, allows info from alternate or parralel universes to seep through to ours dimension. His hypothesis was a radical departure from the idea that entities would be ripped apart if sucked into a black hole- can’t remember all the specifics now, but while an interesting hypothesis, it just shows hte lengths theorists go through to exclude God from the picture
Hawking does not exclude God from the picture, which you would know if you'd listened to any of his lectures. Rather Hawking is trying to understand and appreciate exactly what it was He did do.
My question is why does everyone assumne that a black hole leads to another point in time or space. What if the Black Hole was itself the other point in time. People seem to assume that its a funnel that opens at the other end. What if it didn’t. What if all this matter being sucked in is being sucked into the black hole that expands to an finite point until it reaches critical mass and just explodes. Perhaps a matter anti matter explosion within a collapsing black hole is what cause the big bang. But it still doesn’t anwser the question - where did the matter the black hole consumed come from if nothing else existed!!