Sadly that is where we are right now until a clear leader who both walks the walk and talks the talk with a history to back it rises. Those that are in the public eye speaking for and as conservatives cannot publicly admit we have issues finding leadership, nor should they really since the masses would not know the difference. Even Mitt is an all star to the uninformed, and he looks damn good on paper (or the web, whatever), at least until one discovers his glorious rhetoric does not match his record.
Our "luminaries" are playing the hand dealt right now, basically selling everything in the stable to give the appearance we have a full house of future leaders.
It is up to us to thin the heard and promote those, both new and old, who really do represent us and have a proven track record of doing so for the long haul and not as a matter of political expediency or fashion. Palin is the first of these, there will be others. Sadly the old guard will have the hardest time letting go.
Desperation is one thing from people that DON’T know, but Coulter cannot possibly NOT know, so she’s either lying to us or lying to herself. Neither of those make her look good, respectable, or intelligent, and I’m shocked she would be so cavalier to toss all her years of yeoman work “for the cause” out the window for this liberal agent working for the Democrat cause. She has become like the women she lampooned in the ‘90s worshipping at the crotch of Bubba Clintoon. Odious hypocrite.