There must be some way to get hold of Obama’s “papers”!
If only!
Of course, there are many things the MSM could have shown in the campaign and made a big deal of--but didn't.
1. His interview 7 or 8 years prior to campaigning for Pres. with a Chicago TV station, in which he said our Constitution was fundamentally flawed(his words) and needed to be fixed (my take on his words following "flawed").
2. A news article (I believe by Boston Herald) showing the "affordable housing" he touted in Chicago, got Fed. and foundation millions for, funneled it to his chums and built shoddy structures which are now not fit to live in. No other media picked it up. I read it on line-with pics and interviews with tennants. The woman who ran his campaign finances--her family and she were the ones in charge of the "affordable housing".
These are only 2 of the unpublished truths, not to mention Rev. Wright and Wm. Ayers, which did get a little traction, but not the 24/7 it deserved. Also not the Frank Marshall Davis connectiion which I believe is crucial to understanding "O"'s philosophy.