I’m ready for a Meghan McCain-free zone, myself. Sheesh But I’m glad you posted her latest ruminations. Maybe we can hand her over to the Dems like the way they formally exchange prisoners in other countries. LOL
This problem isn’t that difficult. In most faiths, marriage is a sacrament, making it a function of religion.
The fact that gov’t took that notion and codified it into law, conferring financial benefits, is of no moment here.
To me (and go ahead and flame away if you disagree, I’m a grownup), I’m NO FAN of gay marriage. Because I believe that infringes on the rights of churches to set their own rules.
Now, if one is talking about the act of setting up an ECONOMIC UNIT, for treatment of taxes, Social Security, healthcare, inheritance and all the rest, that is something different. Call it an economic or civil union or whatever you want.
The topic that should be on the table is not gay marriage (since that is the province of religion) but the gov’t treatment of individual households, fraught with moral hazard as they may be.
But to me, that is the proper question. Not the red herring of gay marriage, which is designed merely to inflame.
An Open letter to Chubby daughters of RINO Senators:
Please stop calling yourselves Republican.
Matter of fact, please switch parties. And take your fathers with you.
That is all.
SIncerely, The True GOP