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To: Drango
Unfortunately for them tax cheat isn't a conservative value.

So, let me get this straight. Taxes are bad and conservatives opposed to taxation are good.

Confiscatory taxes directed at one specific segment of society are up for YOUR approval and anyone attempting to circumvent such targeted confiscatory taxes is bad.............

This is indeed becoming a bizarro world..........

31 posted on 05/21/2009 5:05:35 PM PDT by Hot Tabasco (This country isn't going to hell in a handbasket, it's riding shotgun in an Indy car....)
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To: Hot Tabasco
Isn't it though?? Unbelievable. If govt doesn't want folks smoking or breathing the so called second hand smoke, they should ban tobacco altogether. But, no no that will never happen. Even though MOST smokers are from poorer segments of our society, and shopping around is the American way. But that would stop the cash cow from producing for their coffers. By the govt’s way of thinking, if one lives on or close to a border and visits across states lines, they should not buy tobacco there, because the taxes are lower. INSANITY! Why on earth would people, especially in a down economy, NOT shop around.

I don't smoke, but I know a lot of people that do, and I would think they were pretty stupid if they didn't shop at the stores with cheaper prices, regardless of the products they buy. How is that any different? They say it's a sin tax, well how bout we start taxing Homosexuals for their life choices, due to how much they increase the health care costs in the US?? If you are going to drive one industry out of business for being a “sin” tax them all out of existence.

45 posted on 05/21/2009 9:00:25 PM PDT by gidget7 (Duncan Hunter-Valley Forge Republican!)
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