Oh good, here comes zulu to once again beat a dead horse.
Bush was a good President. We all already know that he didn’t do what zulu wanted 100 percent of the time.
I am very comfortable in my prediction that had zulu been President instead of George W Bush, our country would be in much, much worse shape.
The only difference (at least in foreign policy) is that President Bush owned what he did, while Hussein tells the dummies what they want to hear, and then pretends he was backed into a corner of continuing to do what President Bush was doing all along.
Its always easy to make ad hoiminem remarks instead of addressing issues.
Did Bush do some things right? Yes.
Was he better than a Dem - sort of. But the damage he did to the GOP and conservativism in the LONG RUN outweighed any real benefits he accomplished, excepting Roberts and Alitto.
Face it - the GOP would have been much better with an incumbetn more reflective of the opinions and values of the average Republican - AND, by the way, the average American, than one of the Bushes.
And its ZULU, not zulu (have to change that name - everybody thinks I’m black and I’m not.)
Thank you.
BDS on the right is even worse than what we see on the left. Bush was not to my liking on the domestic front, but on foreign policy he was exceptional.
In addition to killing a great many terrorists he started the process of creating representative govt in the middle east (other than Israel). Also, he opened greater relations with India. Remarkable feats that I pray 0 doesn't destroy.