Her’es the germ of an idea..maybe others can help flesh it out..
He has 125 new cars in inventory. I assume that Chryler Financial provided the floor plan to buy them. So, in essence, Obama Motors now owns the cars. So, let’s deliver them to him, personally. Assuming he can get 125 sets of fdealer plates..let the 50 employees, and 75 Florida Freepers.. form a CONVOY and drive the cars up, perhaps with a Rolling Thunder escort..and park them right in front of the WH...and don’t forget tofill them with tea bags.....indeed, make stops at cities along the way for support and more tea bags..
That will sure get a lot of publicity..anyone remember the Ryder truck with the ballots in 2000?
Maybe someone can get this idea to the owner...
That is a great idea! We have to start fighting back.
hmmmm....so - he incurred costs at the order of GM - who was bought out by Obama.
It only makes sense that if they grab his business they grab his debt as well...yes?
These people need to do as you say - deliver their inventory to the White House, and also forward their bank notes and bills to Obama as well.