How convenient, 0bama suddenly does a 180 a day before the photos are leaked.
Gotta make a big show of it right before they come out.
At least we know who the leaker is.
Homeland Security releases a controversial report on groups who pose the greatest risk in the US.
After nearly a month on the street, Napolitano retracts the report, stating it wasn't properly vetted.
Pelosi calls for investigations on prisoner torture.
The CIA releases documents showing she was briefed.
She looks flustered in a news conference yesterday, inferring is CIA lying.
Obama denies Cheney’s request for the declassification of two documents that provide information about the effectiveness of the detainee program.
Cheney is appealing the decision -- with vigor.
Obama publicly does a 180, and says he won't release the prisoner photos, breaking a major campaign promise to his supporters.
Today, they're leaked in Australia where they were originally obtained by television channel SBS. This happens ahead of Obama’s June 4 Cairo speech.