I was just surfing through trying to get caught upon the latest news. This is the second time I see the 'headline' of this story out of Arkansas posted. So I decided to see who, what, where, when and WHY.
It sounded particularly 'stupid' for anyone to refer to another by 'that' this or that. But after reading the article sounds to me there was this 'natural' expectation that this office seeker had regarding 'traditional values' of which dear old Chuckie had just pronounced as DEAD.
I do not naturally think 'religion' ethnicity, or whatever when I met or read about news or society at large... I assess things based upon conservative - right and liberal - wrong. And all things considered Chuckie is just plain WRONG, and this ninny in Arkansas had better get himself indoctrinated into political correctness or he will be chewed up and spit out even if his desire is to reclaim 'traditional values'.
I think political correctness is killing our culture and got Obama elected.
It may be our greatest threat since Bush and Cheney seem to have tortured the poor Muzzies into behaving for now.