An HSA plan is 2 DIFFERENT financial products:
A high deduct able insurance policy
A Savings Account.
That, basically, is what Obama will do, trust me.
Insurance would cost about as much as many of the uninsured spend on beer, cigarettes and lottery tickets every month.
They CHOOSE not to buy health insurance -— until they get sick!
Also, many people decide not to “buy” Medicare Part B. The government makes them WAIT until an enrollment period rolls around, if they don't buy it when it is first available to them. And even then, they have to WAIT for the coverage to kick in. This applies to EVERYONE who does not follow the rules and sign up when they turn 65, or when they drop group coverage after 65.
Medicare has a SEPERATE phone line for “coordination of benefits” or DENIAL OF CLAIMS due to:
Homeowners policy liability
Auto policy liability
Workmen’s comp liability
Medicare does NOT cover experimental surgery.
Medicare will NOT pay for transplants in every case. The case must justify itself based on the lifestyle of the patient and chances for success.
We never hear about it when a government insurance plan does not pay a claim, but -—
It happens thousands of times a day! Also, if Medicare DOES pay your claim, and you later win a lawsuit against another driver, your employer, etc, Medicare will ATTACH PART OF THE JUDGEMENT --- And they have every right to do so! However, when private insurance does this, ignorant members of the media scream!
“Also, the preexisting conditions issue could be covered by a government MANDATE that everyone buy insurance - how would that work for you?”
Ok, so what is the GOP alternative? When are you going to understand that is the question that needs to be answered?
The GOP doesnt’ have an alternative - do you think that is a good thing?
“Medicare does NOT cover experimental surgery.......It happens thousands of times a day!”
So is that YOUR alternative? Medicare? I never advocated it. I asked a simple question - what is the GOP alternative to socialized medicine? Is it to ignore the issue?
What is the GOP alternative? What should the alterative be? That’s the question. Quit talking about Medicare - because I’m not talking about Medicare.