Creationists are very up front about the fact that evolution contradicts the Bible and it contradicts science. Now if only your Temple of Darwin co-religionists would be equally honest about biblical creation being incompatible with their materialist religion!
I can't speak for others, but I assure you that to me, at least, the Theory of Evolution is not a religion or even a philosophy. To me, it is simply what it's title says it is: a scientific theory. It has the same moral imperative as does the Pythagorean Theorem or the Electro-weak Theory: none at all. It is simply a way of explaining a feature of the observable world, i.e. speciation.
I would be excited if some other way where discovered to explain the origin of species, because that would be very interesting, but an alternative to natural selection hasn't been found in 150 years, and probably never will be found.
Remember, in Galileo's day, people had the same attitude to his work as you do to evolution.
So let's cut right to the chase. Do you believe a Christian can accept the theory of evolution? A simple yes or no is all that's needed.