Posted on 05/08/2009 1:08:28 PM PDT by Free ThinkerNY
AP) WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama sought Friday to reassure Hispanics that swine flu won't lead to an epidemic of discrimination in the United States just because Mexico has been the epicenter of the outbreak.
At a town hall-style meeting at the White House, Obama told about 130 Latino public health professionals and neighborhood volunteers that the nation's plan to fight the flu will not exclude their communities. Even if some residents are here illegally, they will still be able to get medical care for the flu, administration officials assured the group.
"We're one country, we're one community. When one person gets sick, that has the potential of making us all sick," Obama said. "We can't be divided by communities."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
More proof that this Tyrant has an agenda....and it is not for the best interests of America.
Damn straight, if only in self-defense.
Viruses don't discriminate.
When are conservatives going to wake up to the public health scam in the same way they have woken up to the global warming scam???
To see how the socialist Public Health Movement fans the flames of hysteria from behind the scenes, see the following:
Since 1949, the Epidemic Intelligence Service has infiltrated hospitals, health departments, and newspaper offices around the world. See how this elite, semi-secret wing of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention fans the flames of panic from behind the scenes on everything from AIDS to SwineFlu...
The Medical CIA
Also, Dr. Peter Duesberg on the last false alarm, Bird Flu:
The reason why the Flu was so successful in 1918 was primarily the terrain, namely the millions of immuno-deficient hosts and hostesses starved and stressed by 4 years of war.
Secondarily, one can speculate that the 1918 flu strain may also have been a new recombinant to the 1918 population and thus more successful than a more established seasonal strain may have been. As I found in 1968, flu, unlike practically all other animal viruses, has multiple RNA segments, equivalent to multiple chromosomes and thus can readily form new recombinants - the reason why we have seasonal flus, but have measles, mumps, polio, pox etc. only once in a lifetime.
Thirdly, the odds that the Centers for Disease Control alias World Health Organization ever predicts an epidemic prior to its arrival are not good: They have predicted in past several years numerous epidemics or pandemics such as the flu, the hanta-virus, anthrax, the rotavirus, the Ebola virus, the West Nile virus, mad cow epidemic, the Sars-virus epidemic, an epi-pandemic of random, eg. heterosexual non-drug user-AIDS - but none of these ever materialized (see, Inventing the AIDS Virus, Regnery publishing, Washington DC, 1996). The last one that came close to an epidemic was polio in the 1950s and that was not predicted by American public health scientists.
Fourth, the currently hyped prospective Flu pandemic has long missed its chances. It has been hyped almost daily in the San Francisco Chronicle since November. But all that happened was a dead chicken in Nigeria, a hamster in Germany, two sick (dead?) kids in Turkey, a euthanized swan in Sweden, several dead or euthanized chicken in Iraq (Yes Iraq!!) etc. That is not the pattern of a potential killer microbe. All new killer viral or microbial epidemics of the past have spread exponentially within weeks to months and then declined exponentially owing to the induction of immunity or death of susceptible hosts - take Albert Camus Plague as a classical example.
The current Flu propaganda is thus a mix of ignorance and and self-interest and an exploitation of general ignorance by the CDC, WHO, the vaccine, pill and test-kit manufacturers of our universities and pharma companies, and of our science journalists, who need to fill their daily columns - and must sell their aging vaccine stocks before they decompose and their Tamiflu pills before the summer. But despite hyping in dozens of microbial Godots - no Godot has come since polio. People are just too well nourished these days, and thus have optimally maintained immune systems, for microbes to attack more than just the fringes of the ever growing human herd. That in fact is their historical share. The 150 million+ Flu pandemics are hype for fund raising by the ever more costly science/health armies in search for real enemies. Their success is based on the invisible monsters of the microbial epidemics of the (earlier) times, when nutrition lacked vitamins, proteins and sanitation or was lacking all together - and on the never failing microbial and viral horror phantasies of our science writers, politicians and Hollywood producers.
“Even if” LOL. Can’t be caught saying “even those who.”
I don’t mind this so much as the fact that Mexico never gets the bill. That ain’t right. They “illegally park” on our “parking space” and then “leak oil” then the bill to “clean it up” should be sent to their home!
President Barack Obama sought Friday to reassure Hispanics that swine flu won’t lead to an epidemic of discrimination in the United States just because Mexico has been the epicenter of the outbreak.
How does he equate discrimination and infection rates? If everyone starts getting sick from illegals, we can’t even say the source because it’s discrimination? This guy REALLY SUCKS!.....
In the long running war between humans and microbes, the wise man will bet on the germs.
Flu in particular is highly adaptive. That we haven’t had a repeat of 1918 is probably more a matter of luck than anything else.
The reason why the Flu was so successful in 1918 was primarily the terrain, namely the millions of immuno-deficient hosts and hostesses starved and stressed by 4 years of war.
This is nonsense, or at least incomplete. The population of the USA was not stressed by four years of war. My dad, at the age of six, watched his father and uncles carry an entire dead family of six out of the house next door. This was in a small town in Kansas, not a slum in NYC.
It is true flu hit ships and army camps harder than just about anywhere else. This was mainly due to crowding, making for more efficient transmission, not to immune suppression.
The 1918 flu, unlike the seasonal version, was a “primary killer.” It killed directly rather than thru secondary infections. It killed young people in the prime of life at a higher rate than those who were older or younger.
One widely-accepted theory for this result is that it turned the body’s own immune system against it. The more efficient your immune system, the more likely it was to kill you.
“We’re one country, we’re one community. When one person gets sick, that has the potential of making us all sick,” Obama said.
Slap on a fresh nose, Michael—you’re on the comeback trail!
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let’s start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we’ll make a better day
Just you and me
We've been there, done that, with homosexuals and AIDS. And nobody learned anything.
I’m sick of P.C.!!!
Sick of your PC? Load Linux on it for more joy. A world without gates.
If they are from Mexico, why are they called “Hispanics”? Should not they be called “Mexicans”?
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