Why is he 'serving' as America's president? Because his burning desire is to destroy it.
This hard-working zealot has crawled through the sewers that undermine the District of Columbia in his search for cabinet officials to assist him in his evil goal of knocking us down so many pegs that third world status will be achieved for this upstart of a nation!
Sincere Obomba thanks goes to the Republicrat Party who literally puked up a worthless candidate in order to insure the 'Man Without A Country's' election!
President Teleprompter is just a “front man”.
When one's words and deeds are indistinguishable from those who are trying to destroy the nation, I not only question their sincerity, I dispute it.
Sen. Obama, who has taught courses in constitutional law at the University of Chicago, has regularly referred to himself as "a constitutional law professor," most famously at a March 30, 2007, fundraiser when he said, "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president, I actually respect the Constitution."
One can simultaneously respect something, despise it, (for example, an enemy) and therefore seek its destruction.
It all comes back to Hillary’s public admission several yrs ago....She pledges allegiance to the America that COULD be.
That’s how they all feel. They love the America that COULD be.
Want to stump a liberal? Ask them what they love about America. You’ll get nothing but blather.
When the left says they ‘love America’, most of the time it just means the physical real estate and the fact that they were born on it.It’s their little corner of ‘Mother Gaia’ as it were.