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To: Hostage
If the computer is returned, then the customer receives $2500 less the $300 rebate or $2200.
You didn't answer the question because it exposes your ignorance or are you really that stupid?

When his wife made him return ALL of his purchases would he get refunded $2800 or $2500...

When you answer that using grade school math and kindergarten logic instead of Fairtax double talk you'll figure out how much he spent.

BTW, because his "rebate" was subtracted "at checkout" and not discounted on the shelf, he would have to pay 30% tax on his purchase with the (so called) rebate money.

His total out the door expense under the fairtax (after the $300 rebate) would have been $3336.36...He would have indeed needed a credit card just to pay the $836 Fairtax (33.44% tax) on his $2500 purchase.

325 posted on 05/22/2009 9:02:32 AM PDT by lewislynn (What does the global warming movement and the Fairtax movement have in common? Disinformation)
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To: lewislynn

I answered the question that people understand.

Your posts are useful to show the mindset of the small group of anti-FairTax hecklers that visit these threads.

As to your question, the customer would receive $2800 less the rebate of $300 or $2500.

It still doesn’t change the following principle:

***The fact is that when you spend and get a rebate, and spend the rebate, you spend more than you had to begin with.***

326 posted on 05/22/2009 9:34:33 AM PDT by Hostage
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