A specific example that most everyone has seen. A person has a monthly paycheck of $2500 under the FairTax, and so they get to keep all of it. This person decides to spend all $2500 on a brand new computer but will receive an instant rebate of $300. So the person purchases $300 more goods in the computer store before checking out. They go to the checkout stand, they spend $2800 and that is reflected in the total at the checkout stand. But when it comes time to pay they hand over only $2500 because of the instant rebate.LOL! Another name for it is discountAnd there you have it. A persons pay is less than what they spend. And no credit cards involved!
So after this idiot gets home and tells his wife he just spent $300 more than his entire paycheck at the computer store and she makes him return it all. How much will he get back? $2800 or $2500
If you said $2800 put on your dunce cap and go write 'I am an idiot' on the chalk board 100 times.
If the computer is returned, then the customer receives $2500 less the $300 rebate or $2200. Unless the customer returns what was purchased with the rebate, they will get less of what they put in.
This is not at all difficult for most people to understand.
But YOU can believe what you want.
***The fact is that when you spend and get a rebate, and spend the rebate, you spend more than you had to begin with.***
And everyone that has had an instant rebate knows exactly how that works.
But keep on trying to spin this example. Most people will know exactly how my example works and when they see your lame ‘rebuttal’, it makes for good advertising for our end.
Here’s the principle again in a nutshell:
***The fact is that when you spend and get a rebate, and spend the rebate, you spend more than you had to begin with.***