Ok File, so you think a family of four taking in about $5000 a year in Rebate checks is not going to be spending $20,000 in retail?
I got news for you Filo, families will be spending more, much more that their Rebate checks because the Rebate check is limited as a percentage of income up to the poverty line. And nearly every person at or below the poverty line will be spending whatever they can get their hands on.
Is it possible that someone will not spend enough in retail to pay an NRST amount that is less than their Rebate? Very unlikely that could iccur. It would be a rarity, confined to those that are depending on others for their subsistence.
But here is what you forget Filo. Money hoarded from whatever source will eventually get deployed and find a path to spending. And most of that spending will be in the USA, ergo the tax and the money will meet with high probability.
Please don’t lecture people with your sophmoric views on what socialism is. Not only is it annoying but it drives more intelligent and refined readers away. They see at once you have nothing to offer other than hot gas and drubbed down gibberish. I would like them to stay around a bit.
Armed revolution and anarchy? Under the Constitution? Let’s see, there are hundreds of ways to redress grievances under the political system that operates in the USA. Armed revolution in the USA can therefore only be for anarchists.
The Reagan ‘revolution’ is a misnomer. It was a political movement. Revolution is understood ny historians to mean an overthrow of existing government models and replacing them eventually with another model, but often with anarchy in between. Yep, that’s a fact.
And you are for overthrowing the USA. And that will lead to anarchy and things that will not be in your control. But it is obvious from observing your intellectual level that although you may think of yourself highly enough to affect outcomes in the aftermath, you really have no capacity to do so in reality. You’re not even a dreamer Filo, you’re a basher who hallucinates frequently.
Yeah, reference to repeal of the 16th is included in the present bill. But there are better ways to tie them together. That’s the last major part of the FairTax legislation that is still in work.
You see Filo, a piece of legislation, especially an inspired piece of legislation like the FairTax H.R. 25, is worked and reworked until the bugs are out. One can work it or one can throw spitfalls from the peanut gallery like you do.
As for your crude and incorrect analogy to the FairTax being just another way to shoot, stab, bludgeon etc. in retardo, I think you need to learn an elementary fact and that is there are going to be taxes to pay whether you like them or not. But then again your interest is in anarchy so it figures you wouldn’t be serious to begin with.
As for the authority to distribute rebates, it is certainly within the authority of the Constitution to return taxes to people in a fair and equitable manner. The fairest means would be to give each qualified American the same amount up to the poverty line. That is not socialism, that is nothing more than a refund up to a limit.
And that goes back to your idea that a significant number of Americans are going to be paying less NRST than they take in a Rebate check. Once again ask yourself how many people are going to be living off others while hoarding Rebate checks? Not many is the answer, not enough to waste anyone’s time with. And even in the remote possibility that someone is found to have hoarded Rebate checks and not have spent a dime on NRST, then those hoarded checks converted to cash will eventially be spent. Oh yes they will. That cash will find a path to spending with 100% probability.
No Filo, you are barking up a tree with calling the Rebate some sort of socialist tool. It is a refund of NRST up to the poverty line pure and simple. It is the same for everyone. It is a refund, not a redistribution of wealth. Because spending is taxed under the FairTax and that means every person whether at, above or below the poverty level will be paying taxes through their spending.
The transparency of the FairTax is in the provision that the NRST rate will be voted on each year by Congress and signed into law by the President. That means each member of Congress will vote to raise the rate, lower the rate or keep it the same. There will be no other means of generating tax revenue for the government other than the FairTax with the exception of GSE’s such as the Post Office and current excise taxes such as federal fuel taxes.
It’s all in the legislation, only 134 pages in total.
You are not in any position to say that the SCOTUS in FDR’s time was under duress and therefore the Social Security is invalid. In this you are no more credible than a tax protestor who claims that the Income tax on wages is unconstitutional. You are both in the same category.
Understand this. It is the law whether you like it or not. It is not invalid. It may be bad law but it is what it is and you are subject to it. The only thing you are legally allowed to do is to work to change it, period.
This flame exchange is performed not because I enjoy it or relish in performing it, but as a forum service for readers and lurkers to ‘out FairTax bashers’ and their vapid shallow nonlogic means of trying to convince people that they have an argument.