Any changes to theory will still have physics and astronomy being incompatible with the notion that the universe was created 6,000 years ago (or 10,000 or anything less than billions of years).
Maybe you can explain what it is about physics that necessitates an old earth?
No no no! You see, the whole point behind the regular posting of this gibberish by GGG is to try and convince people that if any possible flaw in any theory that does not support creation has been found, any reworking of said theory is pointless and useless as the flaw implies that creationism is the only alternative and creationism MUST be the correct answer.
Relax! There's no incompatibility; it fits like glove when you leave out the fairy tales of naturalistic religion.
==Any changes to theory will still have physics and astronomy being incompatible with the notion that the universe was created 6,000 years ago (or 10,000 or anything less than billions of years).
Not at all. Creation cosmologists have already demonstrated that it is possible for the Earth to be thousands of years old, and the outer reaches of the Universe to be billions of years old, and both be the result of the SAME creation event. See the following for more: