As opposed to your hero, the failed loser who is shrinking and shrivelling to the vanishing point.
These beltway a-holes really do not have the slightest clue as to why they are all losers at this moment in time.
How true! McCain went as far as he did only because Palin connected with real Americans in a way these beltway bozos could only dream of doing.
McCain is an enemy of all conservatives and Romney is hot on his heals. These milquetoast mamby pambys are trying to prevent conservatives from taking over the Republican party. If they prevail, it's all over. They are not has-been losers, they are powerful, active enemies.
Obviously not! And I doubt they get a clue any time soon either.
It's going to take more than some stupid listening tour (ala Hillary) to wake them up too it seems!
If they are this dense they are mostly a lost cause.