What really is the point of sending a bed ridden man that far from his home and family? Is he really a danger to anyone? Can’t they try him via camera/internet and if he is infact guilty then send him then?
I wouldn’t tag Demjanjuk as “bed-ridden”. He appears to be in fairly good health for his age. The family has used health issues for several years as a reason not to do this...which is curious...if the guy isn’t the guilty party, then put the evidence on the table. Several sources have said that at best...he was simply a guard there, and nothing else. If I were the family, I’d be pushing those comments instead.
Most analysts will agree that we are just about at the tailend of WW II and its enormous influence on our lives. The guys who fought in the war are dying. The guilty parties are dying. The political figures of minor consequence still left...are dying. Within a few years, we will have no more debates on this topic, and simply move on.