Actually, the Evos predicted that 97% of our DNA is “junk”/fossil leftovers from millions of years of evolution. Creationists predicted that our Designer-God would not be so wasteful and inefficient as to create a genome that is almost completely comprised of useless/unused DNA. As it turns out the Evos were dead wrong, and the creationist were spot-on, as Project ENCODE has recently discovered that our DNA is at least 93% functional, and that %-age will likely go up to 100% with futher study.
i’ve talked with many evolutionary theorists and evolutionary bio-chemists over the years and i’ve never met one who thought that so called “junk DNA” was likely to turn out to be in the main entirely functionless. There were/are various theories on what the functions might be: gene regulation, raw material for further evolution, physical spacing for more efficient enzymatic action, etc.
The overarching theory of Parsimony alone would indicate the likelihood of that.
Some of the theories kicking around have been confirmed, some refuted, and some are still open. No doubt there are additional functions in the non-coding regions (the more accurate term) that nobody has guessed yet. Why is this a problem? Seems to me to be typical science at the cutting edge.