Prediction: the more Specters that leave, the higher the GOP “generic” lead gets.
(Some) Women are idiots.
But Juan Williams just said that NOBODY is a Republican any longer with the defection of Arlin Sphincter.
as much as it sucks, the Rats getting a filibuster proof majority will probably help the GOP do better in the future.
They can’t blame the GOP for anything from now on.
Men now favor the GOP by a 45% to 34% margin. Women prefer the Democrats by a 42% to 38% margin. Other recent polling shows 50% believe the high reelection rates result from election rules that are "rigged to benefit members of Congress."Term limits.
LOL! I see history is about to repeat itself. Jeffords jumped ship and then the GOP took a commanding lead in the Senate. Enjoy your minority status when the GOP takes over in 2010, Specter....................assuming you’re even in the Senate after that election.
And despite a 7% approval rating, 97% of congressmen were re-elected.
In short, any poll grouping Congress together is pointless.
“Overall, the GOP gained two points this week, while the Democrats lost a point in support. Still, its important to note that the GOPs improved position comes primarily from falling Democratic support. Democrats are currently at their lowest level of support in the past year while Republicans are at the high water mark.”
The American people are getting a big taste of liberalism. I guess they don’t like it much. Can you imagine what this will look like once Mr Obama’s policies really kick in. Even the media won’t be able to cover for the assclown. People know if they have a job or not, money in their checking account, retirement account and a roof over their head.
Good news!
So what percent of total Dimocrats is that?
I sure hope the GOP learns from this. This isn’t because we have become more “moderate” it is because Obama is scaring the bejesus out of America. Many thought they were electing a moderate and now they are seeing him in a different light and seeing the idea that the Democrats now have complete control of the government as a huge mistake. I sure hope the GOP can see the writing on this wall because now is not the time to gather in a circle and sing kumbya with Democrats. The Democrats don’t need the GOP and the GOP should hammer them and let them drown in their own quagmire of socialist radical leftist filth.
Why is the press saying the opposite? That the Pubbies are polling lowest in their history?
It will go up again with the clarity we’ll get from no longer having to ‘splain erratic Uncle Arlen.
We need a leader. It is not enough to wait for the Democrats to cut their own throats (though they are doing that even faster than I expected), we need to articulate our own plans. For one, how about more nuclear plants as an alternative to carbon taxes? How about a health plan that does not destroy the private health care sector. How about a foreign policy that supports loyal allies and panders less to repressionist regimes like Iran and Cuba? How about some real border security to insure what jobs still exist in this economy go to citizens?
I do not have the skills of a political leader, but I could certainly support someone who has those skills and articulates Conservatism as it ought to be done. I think I would be an effective supporter, and that millions more like me would join and be even more effective. Right now we are a movement in search of a leader. We need to find this person. Someone who can go above the head of the press like Reagan did. Someone unafraid to say the Federal Government must do less, not more. Someone who is willing to stand up and defend capitalism and free markets instead of using them as scapegoats. Someone who is willing to say the fault for Islamic fundamentalism lies not with the West, but with the Islamic nations and peoples who have tolerated and even encouraged them for the last 60 years (or maybe 1200 years). Someone who is willing to point out that the solution to Islamic Fundamentalism lies with those same governments and peoples who created it and who is willing to impose the pressure to make them live up to their duties. Someone who is unashamed to hold conservative social views: who will stand up and defend marriage, who will say drug use is wrong and harmful, who will espouse Freedom of Religion rather than freedom from religion, and who can effectively value innocent human life while supporting an effective death penalty for the guilty.
Who is this leader? I used to think it was Newt, but he is becoming a bit of a Moonbeam. Fred Thompson is that leader in thought and articulation, but seems to lack the desire. I like my governor, Mark Sanford, but I know he lacks the political skills to sell our message. Sarah Palin has been borked, as so many other budding Conservative leaders. I like Senator Inhoffe, but I have grown tired of senators. Who is left?
Please tell me who has the potential to be our new leader? He or she may be in Congress or a governorship somewhere, or may be running one of the banks that survived the credit scare without taking Federal Money.
Who will lead?
PS: My apologies to my fellow Freepers. This was supposed to be a single sentence post, but it became a rant. That happens sometimes!
Don’t tell the media or the Democrats that the tea parties have something to do with this. Let them continue to ignore them, and pretend they are a small and meaningless movement. They caught people’s attention and forced them to pause and think about what is happening in this country.
Republicans need to wage the argument that Obama and the Democrat’s irresponsible spending is mortgaging their children and grandchildren’s future. It is enslaving them. Repeat over and over and pound the message home. IT IS A WINNING MESSAGE!