chemicals ingested by their parents pre and during pregnancy..i.e. drugs used in the 60’s 70’s etc...I am the product of a former coke user and numerous other things in the 60’s-80’s ....and I have severe ADHD that no amount of punishment or restriction would cure when it came to studying and retaining knowledge...ADHD meds were finally tried and as a result I finished with a 3.6 GPA and a bachelors in Communications..when prior to the meds I was stuck as a “freshman” for 3 years..unable to pass it what you will..but I DO know what helped me...and it had nothing to do with “self restraint”..”punishment”...”diet” there an overabundance of medicated children? You betcher ass!...are there those that absolutely need it? You betcher other ass!... just my 2 cents worth
haven’ figured out how to edit my posts yet..I forgot to add that children prescribed these meds that actually DONT need it tend to have adverse and opposite reactions..i.e. being MORE impulsive and more likely to do something without thinking..such as in the case of this poor child