Cut the money. If these funds go to CPS Child Protective Services; fire them all.
As grandparents, my wife and I have first hand experienced the corruption in two states agencies. Social workers are permanently removing our grandchildren from our lives solely so they can grow government and take more federal funds into state agency coffers. We have perfectly clean criminal records but we care about the grandchildren’s parents too much and so strangers are better for adoption.
Cut their funds — Shut them down.
I thought they were okay with killing babies over there? If it’s a neglected one year old that starves to death, that’s an unmitigated horror. When it’s a baby in a womb, you can take a brush trimmer to that thing, it’s all good. PISS OFF Californ-eye-A.
The brain's greatest development is between the age of 1-5, although there is another small window of growth in adolescence. If a child is neglected or abused during those first 5 years, it can actually stint the growth and size of the brain. This will affect the individual for the remainder of his/her life and is mostly unrepairable. If we want a future with people who are intelligent, capable and emotionally healthy, then we need to affect the population 5 and under.