We should make a big deal about this. KABC in Los Angeles is making a big deal.
Perez peddles gissip and sleeze. Why was he ever chosen for the job.
Was the girl better off to LIE? Apparently, avccording to liberals, yes.
Hilton is a “friend” of Donald Trump and Trump owns the pagent. He appeared on Trump’s show “Celebrity Apprentice” recently and “judged” a viral blog contest.
He has no relevance. Many professional gay people I know consider him a complete and utter embarrassment.
And thanks, Perez, for giving the Yes on 8 people yet another wonderful soundbite to use if you twits ever bring this up again. You might ask Gavin Newsome how his arrogant comments, used in a Yes on 8 ad, turned many opinions and got many people to vote Yes on 8.